I created a new dashboard plugin that looks like feed reader. This plugin included qotd reader by default.
This plugin supplies feed reader function to your MT dashboard.
And, when the link is clicked, you can make the entry with the main body of the
feed. This means you can answer to vox QOTD from your MT! (need PostVox plugin or cross-poster)
I know this plugin is still in development.
Plugin Configuration

This plugin supplies feed reader function to your MT dashboard.
And, when the link is clicked, you can make the entry with the main body of the
feed. This means you can answer to vox QOTD from your MT! (need PostVox plugin or cross-poster)
I know this plugin is still in development.
- XML::Feed
- Digest::MD5
- LWP::Simple
Plugin Configuration

ということで、先日のハッカソンではデモではイマイチだったFeedsWidgetですが、今日のHack Dayである程度動作には支障ない程度になったのでcode.sixapart.comにアップすると同時にまずは公開してしまおうという魂胆。